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Milus Chiropractic is for your total health

Metagenics is our trusted brand for Nutritional Supplements. These are the supplements we recommend most to our patients. 

If you're a patient of ours and you have any questions regarding supplements or substitutional brands, please contact us or ask us at your next visit!

Feet in Bathtub

Bath Bombs

Anti-Inflammatory Bath Bombs 

These bath bombs were created to decrease inflammation, swelling, and pain. Epsom Salt is known to soothe tired muscles and reduce swelling. Marshmallow root has many benefits, along with promoting overall skin health, it has antioxidant qualities and aids in pain relief. 


Make these at home to have for your injuries, sore muscles, or aches & pains from the flu!

~  1 cup Epsom salt 

~  1/4 cup Marshmallow root 

~  2 T Licorice root

~  2 T Willow bark

~  2 T St. John's wort 

Combined into a reusable small cheesecloth bag, use in a hot bath for 30-45 mins. 

For foot soaks ~ use half of the directed amounts.

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